MARLY JOHNSON - Singer and Songwriter
. She was a Laureate at the prestigious « Star Search » in Canada.
. From 2005 to 2015 it’s in the theater of Cruise ships that she performed most of the time:
-In Europe with Celebrity & MSC Cruises
-In the Caribbean and Hawaii with Norwegian Cruise Line.
. She sang at the Coconut creek Casino for 4 years, the Diplomat resort and the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, and she still perform at the Mardi Gras Casino once a month.
. She wrote and recorded her Latin Album called "L'Armée d'Amour" (The Army of Love), that you can earn by clicking on the tab "Music".
For more info, feel free to download Marly's full biography.
“We’re totally in love with this performer”
FAST Magazine
Cruise Ships Theater
Theaters Senior Communities
Jazz Band
Original song "Jamais trop tard"
Marly at the Immokalee Casino
Happy Hour Retirement Community
Original Songs in a Theater
Original song "Jusqu'au Bout"

Marly sings mostly for private events and Country Clubs, but here are some dates in public venues.
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Date | Time | Location | Address | For Reservation |
01/01/25 | 4 to 7pm | Miromar Outlets beside stores Skechers & Saks | 10801 Corcscrew rd, Estero, FL 33928 | |
01/18/25 | 6 to 9pm | Stix Restaurant in Naples | 4221 Tamiami Trail E, Naples | 239-331-3058 |
02/08/25 | 6 to 9pm | Stix Restaurant in Naples | 4221 Tamiami Trail E, Naples | 239-331-3058 |

Buy a Signed Album for $14.99

Buy a Signed Album for $14.99

Ann T Olbrich August 15th - Naples Senior Center
" Thanks so much for sharing your awesome music with us at the senior center today! I would like to hear you again, could you please point me to a list of where you are going to be appearing? Thanks, have a wonderful day."
Suchy Mellena December - Hyatt Classic Lantana, she said:
“Thank you for a lovely show. Your voice is beautiful!”
Janine Masson Décembre - Brunch Branchés, a dit:.
« Je veux votre album aussitôt qu’il est prêt »
Alfred Ryer October - Abbey Delray, he said:
“Vous chantez très bien!”
Dave & Cliff October - Abbey Delray, they said:
“We enjoyed your show. You, French Canadian girls can really sing!”
Natalie Gurman June - Casa Del Mar, they said:
Rose Simborg
Edith Fuche
« Outstanding! from all of us!”
Jocelyn Scheer May - Courtyards of Broward, she said:
“Marly Johnson is a terrific performer- Great voice- Versatile delivery –Excellent personality & Beautiful to look at. Highly recomand her to any venue.”
Isabel Na’amat May - Courtyards of Broward, she said:
“Dear Marly. Thank you for a great performance ‘wow’. Everyone enjoyed listening to you.”
Mollie Leber May - Courtyards of Broward, she said:
“I think you are a million dollar voice and performer. I love you and what you do.”
Florence Leroff May - Courtyards of Broward, she said:
“Come see us again. I enjoyed the show immensely. Enjoyed the variety also.”
Syvia Rosenberg April - RESC, she said:
“Wonderful! Hope I see you on a cruise. You have an absolutely beautiful voice. I really enjoyed your voice and your personality. Much good luck.”
William J. B. March - Harbour Edge, Delray, He said:
“Magnifisent voice, beautiful body, georgous legs!”
Gertrude Friedley March - Harbour Edge, Delray, she said:
“You made us feel so good with a warm smile and gracious manners, singing great song. Love you.”
Marijane Sehracler March - Harbour Edge, Delray, she said:
“You are a lovely talented and joyful young lady who will go far! Keep singing because everyone will love your voice.”
Vivian Landsburg February - Temple Beth Kodesh, Boca, she said:
“Very lively, very entertaining, love it.”
Esty Levande March - Marlen Gardens, Aventura, she said:
“You are like Celine Dion! Thanks a lot for your wonderful concert. You are so beautiful, talented. It’s a great pleasure to look at you and to listen to you. Thanks for everything, with love.”
Rudy Ruderman February - Classic Hyatt Boca, She said:
“ You’re absolutely good & fun. You were fantastically terrific & tremendously great.”
Jack Goldburg January - Patios of Boca, he said:
“Your singing is great, but for me, I always love when entertainers go out in to the crowd and get them involved, as you’ve done. You’ll hear from me”
Eleen Ahlquest January - Patios of Boca, she said:
“I really enjoyed your show. Your beautiful voice was displayed in a real variety of songs.”
Arlene R. January - Patios of Boca, she said:
“You certainly are one of the best entertainers I have ever seen. We had a great evening. Thank you!”
J. L. Bower January - Patios of Boca, he said:
“Love your voice & the range. Your choices of songs were great. I particularly enjoyed the Edith Piaf song in French. An entertaining evening. Thank you!.”
Mitzo December - South Club house Delray, he said:
“Beautiful. Very lovely voice. We enjoyed especially your versions of Celine’s song!”
France Toscani December - South Club house Delray, she said:
“Every minute was a joy. You are fantastic!”
C. Blanchard December - South Club house Delray, she said
“Lots of personality & so much fun. Marly, vous suis adorable!”
Joey D. December - South Club house Delray, he said
“You are under class! You should be in Vegas. Move on!”
Jessie Conte December - South Club House Delray, she said:
“Excellent! We’ll have you back again and I’ll tell Steven (Booker).”
????? November - Beach Place Ft-Lauderdale, she said:
“Hay angeles q’estan en el cielo pevo; hay angeles q’anden pov la tievva vestidos de voces magicos. Dios bendiga to hevmosa valento. Yo.”
The Jones November - Beach Place Ft-Lauderdale, she said:
“Loved your show! You rock!”
Gen Corall November - Beach Place Ft-Lauderdale, she said:
“Lovely, inspirational, very musical & professional.”
Mary Bernstein November - Huntington Lakes she said:
“You should be the lead in a Broadway show. You are gorgeous and have a beautiful personality and figure.”
Pearl Perilllo October - High Point West
“I enjoyed your choice of songs. They happen to be my favorites. And you sang them beautifully!”
Claire Riccardi October - High Point West
Margo Curter
“Beautiful voice, charming demeanor, music a little too loud, very cute personality” “Enjoyed the beautiful presentation”
Doris Einhorn September - Century Village
Nurith Weitz
“Very enjoyable, thank you.” “Fantastic voice! Great show!!”
Linda Brown September - Concord Village
“Excellent! Sings American Cabaret and let it out! You’re got a wonderful voice”
Judy Kann September - Concord Village
Phyllis Silver
Irene Grubin
“Wonderful Show! Just keep doing what you’re doing. Good Luck!” “Excellent Performance”
Dan August - Frenchie’s Bar & Grill
“Very nice voice and beautiful girl on top of it. You have everything to succeed!”
Nicole & Newton St-John August - Frenchie’s Bar & Grill
“You have an extraordinary voice. We are your #1 fans. Tell us where you sing. We would go to the moon to hear you, lol”
Angel July - Beach Place Fort-Lauderdale
“Marly, you are so great!!! I do love the way you sing, superbly, Thanks, Angel”
Solomon Begazo July - Frenchie’s Bar & Grill:
“You’re very good! You should be on TV somewhere! Hope you get discovered”
Jerry & Deborah May - Carriage Hills, she said:
“Excellent! Very Good entertainer! Wonderful! Come back soon. You’re the best, so keep up the good work. Lots of luck.”
Elliot FINKEL July - Europe Cruise Ship, He said:
Head Liner Pianist
“I have played with many great singers in my career, but you have something special. You’re glowing.”
N. De Bernard April - Café La Belle Crêpe, Hollywood, She said:
“Let me know where you’re singing”
A. Simon April - Boyton Beach, he said:
“I want your Album”
A. Alvarez February - Performed at Francophiles Sans Frontière, he said:
“I would love to get one of your new CD.”
N. & S. Fretigny February - Performed at Francophiles Sans Frontière, they said:
“Love to get one of your new CD.”
R. Le Gal February - Performed at Francophiles Sans Frontière , he said:
“Let me know where you play. I love what you do.”
A. Bencomo January - Performed at Ballas’s Resto-Bar, she said:
“You’re really, really good! Thank you.”
C. E. Mozo January - Performed at Ballas’s Resto-Bar, he said:
“Nice voice and performance!”
J. Stembridge January - Performed at Balla’s Resto-Barl, he said:
“FANTASTIC / MAZEL TOF. I am a speaker of religious differences. Your composition “Soldier of the Army of Love” will certainly be a hit. You need to release it.”
Mr. & Mrs L. Kaliebe January - Performed at Balla’s Resto-Bar, they said:
“Wonderful voice. We enjoyed our evening. Thank you.”
D. & D. Laconzola December - Performed at Ballas’s Resto-Bar , they said:
“We really enjoyed your singing. Thank you. We hope you get discovered!!”
R. Cloutier December - Performed at Ballas’s Resto-Bar, he said:
“You are very dynamic and I love everything you do. I have a bar in Quebec, Canada and I want you to call me to come and sing for us up there.”
C. & J. Whitecross December - Performed at Ballas’s Resto-Bar , they said:
“We want to know where we can see you, because we will come to see you for sure.”
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